3 Soccer Drills for Youth Players

Today we're gonna be working on a few different foot skill drills and these are drills that you can do anytime and you don't need a lot of space and you'll notice behind me, I just have two cones. So, I'm gonna be dribbling kind of in between these two cones and the cones are about 5 yards away from each other. So, I'm gonna be practicing a few different skills.

 Soccer Street Cone

1. Inside-inside and moving with the ball

A lot of players when they do this drill, they're just going in one spot. But notice, I'm gonna be moving to the cone out one-way and I'm gonna be moving the same thing coming back.

This is really a good drill for your coordination with the ball and you wanna make sure that you stay on your toes. So when you're going back and forth, you gotta be on your toes, ready for the ball. And the easier it gets, you can play faster.

2. Small touches - inside and outside

The next drill we're gonna be working on - were just gonna be focusing with our right foot first. We're just gonna be cutting the ball with the inside of your foot and the outside. So, we're gonna be taking small touches. I'm gonna go inside, outside, inside, outside - going to get to the cone and turn with the ball and do the same thing coming back.

3. Toe touches

The next drill that we're gonna be working on is just simple toe touches. Lot of players that I've trained in the past, they are flat footed when they try this. So, they're going from one foot to the next but they're landing on their heels. So, wanna make sure, you are on your toes. So when you do this drill, you're just on your toes

You don't need to worry about the two cones right now. I just want to see how many touches you can get within one minute.

Now that you've gone through the toe touches. We're going to be progressing and making this a little bit tougher. So we're going to go back to the cones now and noticed when I go out to the cone, I'm going to be touching the ball with my toes and coming forward and when I get to the cone, I'm gonna be coming back backward. So I'm gonna be moving with the ball now, instead of staying stationary.

These are great drills if you want to spend a couple of minutes per day and mastering these drills and getting more touches on the ball. It's going to really help your control when you get the ball in the game. You want to make more touches on your own that way when you get to the game, you're very comfortable when the ball comes to your feet.

 Soccer Street Cone


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