13 Easy To Learn Soccer Tricks For Beginners

Courtesy of: ProgressiveSoccer

Dylan Tooby of Progressive Soccer training will show you 13 different ways to pick up a soccer ball.

Tazmania Soccer Ball

Tip from Dylan: I want you to master all of them. If you're struggling to do these tricks, do not allow yourself to become frustrated. Frustration is only a waste of energy. Instead, just remain calm, make slight changes to your technique, keep trying and eventually, you're going to get it.

Soccer Trick #1

Soccer Trick #2

Soccer Trick #3

Soccer Trick #4

Soccer Trick #5

Soccer Trick #6

Soccer Trick #7

Soccer Trick #8

Soccer Trick #9

Soccer Trick #10

Soccer Trick #11

Soccer Trick #12

Soccer Trick #13

 Tazmania Soccer Ball


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