5 Essential Passing Drills For Soccer Players

Courtesy of: Become Elite

Now, all these passing drills are just done with one partner. So, you will need one other person to do all these 5 drills.

Large Soccer Disc Cone

1. Gated Passing - 1 and 2 Touch (50 Passes R/L)

So, what you're going to do is set two cones about one yard apart and then have another two set of cones about 5 yards apart. Then you and your partner will both go behind the two gates of what I've called them. And then you're going to pass the ball back and forth between the gates allowing the ball to come through the gate each time. You can do this with either one touch or two touches. And just work on creating a positive first touch in front of you but not rolling through the gate. And passing the ball before it gets through it. Each time, you want to make sure the ball goes right down the center of the two gates. It's actually a lot harder than you think. It's going to be a great drill.

2. Looped Passing - Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise (30 Passes R/L)

So, you're just going to put two cones about 10 yards apart. And what you're going to do is just go around either clockwise or counterclockwise. If you're going around clockwise, what you wanna do is receive the ball on your right side of your body, tap the ball to the left and then pass with the left side of your body. And then your partner's going to be doing the exact same thing and you're just going to keep going around the two cones in a clockwise formation. When you're going counterclockwise, it's the exact opposite. You're going to receive the ball on the left side of your body, tap it to the right and then hit the ball with your right foot down directly in front of you to the other person's left side of his body. You're going to keep doing this going counterclockwise. The key on the touch is doing 45 degrees with the perfect amount of weight. If it's too soft, you're gonna have to wait on the ball to roll past the cone to pass it. If it's too hard, it's going to be out away from you and you're not going to be able to deliver a good ball.

3. Driven Ball Passing (20 Passes R/L)

So, what you're going to do is create a long lane about 5 yards wide and 30 yards long and have a partner at one end and you on the other. You're then going to hit the ball with the places so it's driven below knee height. You want to basically skim over the ground or about a foot above the ground the entire time, straight as an arrow. You're going to alternate feet right and left feet working on just doing it in two touches but you can take a third touch if you need to.

4. Two Touch Box Drill (20 Passes R/L)

So you're going to create two 3x3yard boxes probably about 30 yards apart and what you're just going to do is you and your partner is going to clip in ball so that it lands right in the box. Then, you're going to take a good first touch, so it gets out in front of you inside the box and then clip in the ball to your partner again using both your right and your left foot. It's really going to work on just that good accuracy when you're clipping on the ball.

5. Long Ball Passing (15 Passes R/L)

So you and your partner are going to be about 50 yards apart, 50-60 yards apart or however far that you can pass the ball. And you're just going to work on hitting it full strength, straight and accurate every single time using both feet.

 Large Soccer Disc Cone


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