Kick Your Training Up a Notch with FAST!

Over the past five years, I have really noticed that coaches are bringing out all the "bells and whistles" in their training sessions. Practice fields seem to be littered with anything colorful to attract the attention of players and parents.

Bright colors and new products seem to be the trend.


It's simple...the colors and new coaching tools help the players become even more interested in the training session.

So, if you are one of those coaches that is constantly adding something new to your training, then look no further than the Soccer Innovations Field Awareness Soccer Training (FAST) system.

This colorful new technology will take your training sessions to a new level to say the least.

A couple of weeks ago, I showed up early to a personal training session that was scheduled with a 13 year-old girl. I set up a variety of tools to prepare for the training session. Then I pulled out the FAST system and set it up.

Once the young girl and her parents arrived, you could see that they were instantly interested in the training session that was about to begin.

However, about midway through the session, when I pulled the remote control out of my pocket to begin providing instructions on the next part of the session, the young soccer player could not get started quick enough.

Using the FAST system, I was able to work with my trainee on lifting her head while she dribbles and some simple quick reaction drills.

The FAST system comes with a remote control so that you can light up individual coaching poles which light up with either bright green or bright white lights.

A great tool that made the training session a lot of fun for the player and much more productive as a coach.

Check it out here:


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